Danielle Wendricks

Danielle Wendricks headshot

My name is Danielle, but most people call me Dani, and I use she/her/hers pronouns. I am a junior double majoring in Community and Nonprofit Leadership and History with a certificate in Education Policy Studies. I was born and raised in Madison, and grew up attending an ELCA Lutheran church. Right now, I’d consider myself spiritual, and really enjoy attending Unitarian Universalist services. In January of 2019, I attended a Leadership Delegation to Israel and Palestine through UW-Madison’s Hillel. This trip was truly life changing, altering my perception on religion, and fostering a passion for exploring other religions. This trip was my first introduction to interfaith concepts, as I visited and learned about different religious people and places. Through my work with CRGC, I plan to study how religion influences, builds, and hinders community development. I also look forward to understanding and learning about the relationship between religion and public service, charity, and volunteerism, and how that might mirror and differ from the white savior complex. When I’m not in school, you can find me admiring sunflowers, advising students on civic engagement opportunities at the Morgridge Center for Public Service, participating in events and services at the Crossing, or reading a book curled up in my hammock.