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Interfaith Fellows Program

The yearlong Interfaith Fellows Program trains a cohort of undergraduate students to become more knowledgeable about the variety of global religious traditions and more skilled at communicating with people across religious and cultural backgrounds. Through discussion, events, and programs, our fellows are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of religious difference and to become interfaith leaders and advocates in whatever careers their futures hold.

Program Overview

During their yearlong fellowship the fellows will:

  • Honor their fellow students’ religious background, culture, and values, and respect their otherness.
  • Approach different religious traditions both intellectually and experientially.
  • Explore, interpret, and understand different religious ideas, acts, and practices towards social justice.
  • Become more self-aware of their own religious beliefs and values.
  • Gain awareness of major religious traditions and their crucial role in global developments.
  • Identify additional opportunities for interfaith engagement that would help sustain the CID’s efforts towards more interfaith awareness and collaboration on campus.
  • Coordinate on-campus events to bring interfaith conversations to the wider public.
  • Write about their experiences in the group or in other interfaith contexts in blog posts.

Applications are accepted each April. More information on applying will be shared on this website in the spring. In the meanwhile, if you have questions about the program, please contact

More Information

Directory of Past Fellows

We maintain a directory of students who have participated in our program since 2017.

Interfaith Fellows’ Blog Posts

Our fellows write blog posts reflecting on themes that come up over the course of the program. 

Interfaith Fellows' Publication

Interfaith on the Internet is a journal of reflections on religion from the 2020-2021 Interfaith Fellows cohort.