Laura Rodriguez-Alvarez
Hey Badgers! My name is Laura Rodriguez-Alvarez and I am a fifth year studying Biological Systems Engineering. I was born in Colombia and like many Latinx communities, raised in a Catholic home. My exposure to other religions only occurred after I moved to Madison, Wisconsin permanently 12 years ago. My step-dad is a non-denominational Christian and since moving here, my mother and I have also been non-denominational Christians. I stopped going to church a long time ago but since coming to college, I have engaged with peers from a variety of religious backgrounds thanks to BRIDGE, an organization aimed at helping international students connect with the community on campus. My exposure to the variety of religious backgrounds on campus has sparked my interest in learning more about the different belief systems. I look forward to improving my ability to understand global religious belief systems through the CRGC Fellowship in order to be able to create more inclusive spaces in the future.