Zawadi Caroll

Zawadi Caroll

My name is Zawadi Carroll. I am a junior at UW-Madison hoping to double major in Industrial Engineering and Art History. I am from Washington, DC and was raised in the black Christian faith practicing both Baptist and African Methodist Episcopal tradition. I came to UW-Madison through the Posse Foundation with a cohort of 10 other students from the DC area. I work for the Campus Women’s Center, do African dance, and sing in my spare time. I am also passionate about plants, social justice, and holistic living. In DC, my church Turner Memorial AME frequently did combined services and choirs with the historic synagogue on Sixth and I street. Growing up around people of several different religious traditions was truly a blessing and undoubtedly shaped me into who I am today. I currently practice Christianity and aspects of African spirituality. Interfaith activities and dialogue were something that was common in my home city, so I am excited to continue that tradition here at the Center for Religion and Global Citizenry.