A year ago today, if you wanted to find a room to pray, reflect, or meditate on campus, you may have consulted the campus map of prayer and reflection spaces. Unfortunately, due to the constant …
Center News and Events
A full list of news and events from the Center for Interfaith Dialogue.
Join us at the Disability Cultural Center for a Story Share on Disability & Faith
Join us on Tuesday, October 22nd from 6pm-7:15pm at the Disability Cultural Center, located at 702 W. Johnson St., for a Story Share on Disability and Faith. Read testimonials from Disabled Sikh, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, …
Join us for apple-picking at Eplegaarden Orchard to celebrate the fall holidays! Meet outside Pyle Center at 1:00pm, Bus leaves at 1:15pm, returns at 3:30pm. Email interfaith@studentaffairs.wisc.edu for accommodations.
David Maraniss on Religion & the American Presidency
Join the Center for Interfaith Dialogue and the Wisconsin Union Dining Politics & Society Committee as we lunch and learn from Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, presidential biographer, and Badger alum David Maraniss on the religion and …
Interfaith Chitchat
Join us for a casual conversation series starting Wednesday, September 25th from 5-6:30pm in the Red Gym, On Wisconsin Room, to chat about dating, friendships, and working with people from different traditions! Free Ian’s …
Interfaith Unwind: Retablos with the Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Department
Join us Friday, September 20th at 2pm in Red Gym 123 as we paint retablos, inspired by Mexican devotional art and the Peruvian indigenista movement, and join a discussion with Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Professor …
Welcome, Snacks, and Hacky Sack!
Join us on Friday, August 30th from 1-3pm in the Red Gym 123 for our welcome event: Welcome, Snacks, & Hacky sack! Meet other religious, spiritual, agnostic, and atheist students, enjoy free Babcock ice cream, …
2024-25 Interfaith Fellows Cohort Announced
Commencement profile: Chandra Chouhan
Interfaith Fellows Have Dinner with the Chancellor
A number of Interfaith Fellows had dinner at Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin’s residence on Thursday, April 11th, an honor meant to recognize student leaders in the community.