Intersectionality, Inclusion and Religious Literacy: Building Bridges and Finding Common Ground Across Religious Differences
Time: 24 October 2019 | 11:30-1:00p
Location: UW Oshkosh | Reeve 202
CRGC Interfaith fellows together with director Ulrich Rosenhagen and coordinator David Schulz present the Center at UW Oshkosh Panel on October 24th at 11:30am.
As we all know, our University has faced major threats over the last several years. One threat has been an increase in students’ use of hateful rhetoric due to the rising hatred in this nation. This threat rose to dramatic proportions this past spring. Students radicalized by this hatred attacked students of color, LGBTQ+ students, Muslim and Jewish students, and students who identify as immigrants and refugees. By harming so many campus members, this crisis threatened the very heart of our community.
In the face of this hate, the very students who were themselves attacked rose up to provide us all with a model for how to move forward. They mobilized on campus, collaborated across differences, and inspired action. Together, they provided a radical dream of a campus where their identities, histories, and cultures would be visible and they would be provided a greater sense of belonging.
For this year’s Provost’s Summit on Teaching and Learning, we ask that our community answer students’ call for radical inclusion and equity on campus. To do so, we must face the realities of a rising influx of 21st century students whose identities, needs and expectations can neither be understood nor supported without updating our understandings and practices across campus.
So, this year’s 15th Annual Provost’s Summit provides opportunities to understand some of the most pressing crises facing our students. And, it promises that, if we work together, we can make real our students’ dream of a radically inclusive and equitable campus.