Milan Stolpman
My name is Milan Stolpman and I am a junior majoring in Microbiology with certificates in Global Health and Sustainability. I grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attended a diverse high school, where I interacted with peers from a wide array of backgrounds. My relationship with religion has been a dynamic one, as my dad was raised Christian in a standard Midwestern suburb and my mom was raised Hindu in Bangalore, India. While I am Catholic, because of my household, my world has always been a combination of unique aspects of two cultures and religions, and interfaith/cultural dialogue has always been a central facet of my life. As I have grown in college, I have come to realize the importance of religion in the world—how it brings people together, pushes people apart, and continues to shape the global landscape. In this process, I have developed a newfound passion for exploring my own relationship with religion and discussing faith with my peers. I was thrilled to discover a forum dedicated to religious/inter-faith dialogue through the CRGC, and I am looking forward to being a fellow this year!