Ulrich Rosenhagen

Position title: Director

Email: rosenhagen@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 890-1665

Ulrich Rosenhagen Headshot

Ulrich Rosenhagen received his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 2012 and is author of Brudermord, Freiheitsdrang, Weltenrichter: Religiöse Kommunikation und öffentliche Theologie in der amerikanischen Revolutionsepoche (Fratricide, Desire for Freedom, Judge of the World: Religious Communication and Public Theology during the American Revolution), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (2015). He edited Nostra Aetate and the Future of Interreligious Dialogue with Charles L. Cohen and Paul F. Knitter, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (2017) and The Holy in a Pluralistic World: Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century with Gregory Alles, Bristol: Equinox (2022). He was a researcher at the Technical University of Dresden, has held a research fellowship at Boston University, and has written in academic and non-academic journals on Jewish-Christian relations, Social Protestantism, and interreligious dialogue. His main research interests are interreligious literacy, religion and immigration, and the work of Rudolf Otto. He taught as a lecturer at the UW-Madison’s Religious Studies Program and the Department of History. He is also an ordained Lutheran pastor and worked for several years in the ministry in Germany and Miami, FL.